Depot Set-up> Products

Select “Depot Setup>Products” from the side bar. Any existing products will be displayed. To create a new product click “New Product” button. A form will be displayed for you to enter the new product details.


Details Section

This section allows you to enter the header detail for the product.


If you are operating with Owners, first of all enter the owner detail. This identifies the stock ‘owner’ for system control purposes, and can be selected from the drop down list. If you are not operating with stock owners this field will not appear.

Product Code

In this field enter the product code for product you wish to create. This must not exceed 100 characters.

[Product] Description

You can then enter a product description for the product, which has a limit of 100 characters.

Codes 2, 3,

These codes can be used if additional codes are required for product identification. If any of these codes is used it can be entered or scanned at various points in the system and will cross-reference with the main product code.

Code 4/Barcode

This code can be used as above for additional product identification. In general it should be reserved for the product barcode (possibly a UPC barcode) where this exists and is being used for product identification within the system processes.


Keywords are a means to find certain types of products when doing a product search, similar to adding a tag or category to the product. You can have one or many keywords as long as they are separated by a space. Enter keyword(s) if required.

Cost price; Sales price

If a cost and sales price for the product are required these can be entered here.

Product image

This option allows you select an image to be stored with the product details

‘Active’ check box

This box will be checked at all times while the product is in active use. Only uncheck the box if you wish to make the product inactive on a temporary or permanent basis.


Configuration Section

This section allows you to define the configuration characteristics for the product.

Storage UOM (Unit of Measure)

Here you will enter the unit in which you will normally receive and store the product.

E.g. If you receive goods on pallets which you store within pallet racking, ‘Pallet’ would be your storage UOM. Alternatively, if you receive goods in large cases which are stored in shelf locations, ‘Case’ would be your storage UOM.

Secondary UOM

Here you will enter your secondary (picking) UOM. This will generally be the unit specified on your customer’s order, and the one you normally pick for despatch. In the first example above (where pallet is your storage UOM) this may be a case or pack, while in the second example it may be an item or single unit.

Your storage UOM and your secondary (picking) UOM may also be the same thing if the storage unit is also the picked and despatched unit. Drop down lists are available to select both UOM.

Height, Width, Depth

If you need to know or use the volume of the product within your operation the input to these fields can be used to calculate the volume of the secondary (picking) unit. To make the system do this automatically you need to check the “Use size items to set volume” box in the centre column.


This field allows you to record the weight of the secondary (picking) unit.

Items per unit

This is the (default) quantity of the secondary (picking) UOM that is contained in the storage UOM. This is only a default number, and can be changed if different on receipt.

Storage volume M³

In this field you can enter the storage volume of your secondary (picking) UOM. However this will be calculated automatically at product update if you have entered height, width and depth in the earlier fields, and you have checked the ‘Use size items to set volume’ box.

Require volume

This box must be checked when volume is a definite requirement for the storage or handling of the product. This applies not only to the ‘Store by Volume’ requirement (see below) but also potentially for despatch handling, etc. e.g. where volume may need to be captured and recorded.

Use Size Items to set Volume

If this box is checked the system will use the height, width and depth entered to calculate the volume of the product for storage purposes. This will be used to determine the storage capacity when using automatic putaway.

The next two fields ‘Serial Number’ and ‘Serial Number Record In’ will control how the system deals with serial number recording.

Serial number In

If this box is checked it means that serial numbers must be recorded at receipt and at picking confirmation. While the product is in store the serial numbers relating to the product can be viewed and managed in the Adjustments option. See “operations>Adjustments>View/Manage Serials”.

Serial number Out

If this box is checked it means you are choosing to record serial numbers at picking only. You can receive and store product with serial numbers, but up to the point of pick confirmation the system will not be aware of the numbers stored.

After pick confirmation, the confirmed serial numbers are printed on the despatch note and displayed in the Adjustments option. These are deleted after the order is despatched but are still available for historic reporting via the completed order by using the Orders>Search option.

Require batch number

This box must be checked if you wish to record the batch (or Lot) number for products on receipt, and will make input of a batch number mandatory for all receipts of the product. The batch numbers entered are held against the product in the stock record and are available to view via adjustments and in the relevant reports.

You can also rotate by batch (see ‘Rotation Rule’ below) but this will only function properly if the batches are sequentially numbered. You can also select a specific batch to pick at the point of order. If you do so the order will be satisfied only from that batch.

Pick Lines from single batch

Checking this box will ensure that when an order is processed for picking with a specified batch reference, the system will try to satisfy the order from a single batch of product.

Record Rotation Date at Receipt

Checking this box means that input of a rotation date will be mandatory at the point of receipt. The system will default to the current operating date, but this can be amended as required. If you then wish to rotate a product by rotation date this is controlled by selecting ‘Rotation Date’ from the drop down options under ‘Rotation Rules (see below). However, it is also possible to record a rotation date for a product and select a different method of rotation e.g. FIFO. If you wish to pick a specific rotation date you can also enter this at the order stage.

Pick full pallet

For products that are stored in ‘pallet and case’ configuration, this rule will direct the system to use only full pallets to fulfil orders for the product. The rule is designed mainly for the storage and picking of bulk pallets, where orders are placed in cases, but where the picking of part pallets is avoided for the purpose of order fulfilment.

Rotation Display Format

This requires you to specify your preferred option for date format for input and display. This requires numeric input in either MM/YY e.g. 10/17, or DD/MM/YY e.g. 31/10/17.


Storage Section

This section allows you to define the storage characteristics for the product.

Auto Putaway

Auto putaway means the system will automatically determine a location in which to place received product, according to pre-stated preferences. This box must be checked if you want the product to be put away automatically.

  • Auto Putaway Option

This is a drop-down list which enables you to select a preferred storage area for the system to put the product away. This can be done by zone, location or, if already set up, location rule.

  • By zone: any one zone may be selected (for more info on zones see “Depot Set-up>Set-up Zones and Locations>Creating Zones” above).
  • By location group: any one location group may be selected (for more info on “Location Groups see ProSKU>Depot Set-up>Set-up Location Group” above).
  • By location rule: any one location rule may be selected (for more info on ‘Location Rules’ see “ProSKU>Depot Set-up>Set-up Location Rules” below).

Store By Volume

Check this box if you want the system to put this product away automatically according to volume. The system will use the storage volume of the product to determine whether it can be stored within available space in a given location.

Store with same product – same storage rotation

If you check this box it means that the same product can be stored together when it shares the same rotation.

Store with same product – different storage rotation

If you are storing the same product together (option above) checking this box means you also allow different rotations of the same product to be stored together.

Top up

A top-up is an option for putaway when loose product is being received. If there is a location which currently stores the product being received which has sufficient space to add the received quantity, then system will top up the existing location in preference to placing in an empty location.

Force top up

This is a similar option to above, except that the amount of available space is ignored. This means that whatever quantity can be placed in the available space will be, with the balance being placed to another location. Both rules are only really suitable for products where shelf life and/or strict rotation are unimportant.

Mix with other products

If you check this box it means you that the product can be stored with different products in the same location.

Minimum stockholding level

This field identifies a minimum level of stock for the product that must be held in the warehouse. If the stock held falls to this level the product will appear on the Re-order Level report, indicating the current stock quantity available at the time of report generation.


Rotation Rules Section

This section allows you to select one of four methods of rotation for the product.

Rotate By:


The system will rotate the product on a FIFO (First in, First out) basis. This rotation method works on receipt date, so stock with the earliest receipt date for the product will be picked first.


The system will rotate the product on a LIFO (Last in, Last out) basis.

Rotation date

The system will rotate the product by its rotation date. A rotation date is a date captured for the product at the point of receipt (e.g. BBE date, sell by date, etc). So the stock with the earliest rotation date for the ordered product will be picked first.

Batch number

The system will rotate the product by sequential batch number. This means that the stock with the lowest sequential batch number for the ordered product will be picked first.

If product batch numbers are non-numeric, or random and non-sequential this method may not be an option. Another option is available which allows selection of a specific batch number to pick from.

Strict Rotation

Checking this box means the system will operate absolutely strict rotation. This means that the oldest stock of the ordered product will always be picked irrespective of handling considerations.


Pick Face Rules Section

Pick Location Reference

If you require a pick face for the product enter the location code here.

Min replenishment quantity

This is the minimum quantity required for a replenishment in general circumstances, and should be enough to replenish the pick face to a sufficient level for routine operation. This provides the option to use up part pallets of the same or an older rotation in preference to a full pallet.

Max replenishment quantity

This is the replenishment quantity in ideal circumstances i.e. there are no part pallets to use, etc. This will normally be a full pallet quantity.

Enforce Replenishment Rotation

Check this box if you wish to enforce strict rotation through the pick face. This means that stock used to replenish the pick face will always be the oldest available stock, irrespective of the setting on ‘Replenishment Rules’.

Enforce Pick Face Picking

Check this box if you want to ensure that all picking to be done through the pick face.


Charge Rates Section

This section can be used if you want to amend any of the charges which have been set at owner level for a specific product. In this section the three charge categories are displayed, along with a fourth option – ‘Storage charge by secondary UOM’.

The checked boxes in the default column indicate that these charges are currently as per the owner default settings. If you want to amend these for the specific product you can do this by un-checking the box and entering a new figure in the ‘Custom’ box.

The fourth option – ‘Storage charge by secondary UOM’ – allows you to generate storage charges instead of, or in addition to the storage charge for the primary UOM. To do this simply uncheck the box against this option and enter an additional figure in the ‘Custom’ box. If this charge is to replace the primary UOM storage charge, you must also uncheck the box against ‘Storage charge’ and ensure the corresponding Custom box is blank. Confirm any changes you have made by clicking ‘Update Product’


Group Product Section

At the foot of the centre column all product groups currently set up are listed. Check the box against the product group if you wish to assign the product to any/all of those listed.


Product Supplier Section

At the foot of the right hand column all product suppliers currently set up are listed. Check the box against the supplier if you wish to assign the product to any/all of those listed.


Custom Field Section

If you have created any Custom Fields for products the input fields are displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can complete the fields as required for the product you are creating.