Before creating a receipt in your system for the first time, certain data must already exist in the system, which is:
- Owner detail (if system is set up to use owners) (Company Setup>Owners).
- Product detail for a product you intend to receive (Depot Setup>Set up products).
- Zones and Locations (including at least one marshalling zone). (Depot Setup>set up zones and locations).
If you want the system to put stock away automatically, the ‘Auto Put-away’ box must be checked and you must also have selected a ‘Put-away option’. (Depot Setup>Set up products).
About Receipt and Putaway
Receipt is the process of recording your incoming goods onto the system. Put-away is the process of locating your product within permanent, identifiable storage locations.
ProSKU gives you the choice to enter your receipt in the system either before or after carrying out the putaway process. If you put your goods away before entering the receipt this is referred to as ‘Putaway Done’. In this case you will have already selected your locations for putaway and noted them, in order to record this information in the receipt process.
If you want to put your goods away after entering the receipt detail you can do this either manually or automatically.
To select your locations manually you simply enter a location for the pallets or group of items you are receiving as you record them. You can then print a putaway list with the location information on to use in the putaway process. After completing the putaway you can update the system to confirm this.
If you want the system to select your locations automatically there is no need to enter any locations. They system will allocate them automatically based on your pre-selected putaway rules, when you update the receipt. You can then print a putaway list with the location information on to use in the putaway process. After completing the putaway you can update the system to confirm this.
The purpose of the pre-receipt function is to load advance receipt information into the system. This information may typically come from your supplier, an owner whose goods you store, an agent controlling goods for an owner or other external source. Pre-receipts can be brought into the system by two different methods – either by CSV import or by a call to the ProSKU API.
Pre-receipts can be accessed by selecting the Receipts option on the side menu. First click the ‘Pre-receipts’ button top right, then click the ‘Import Pre-Receipts’ button. To import a CSV file click the ‘Select CSV file to import’ button on the top left, and select the file you wish to import.
Once downloaded the pre-receipts will be displayed on screen and can be converted into receipts. If you are using the automatic putaway function this can be done without any amendment of the pre-receipt detail, simply by clicking the ‘Process’ button on the right of the line.
However if you are using a manual putaway function you will need to enter locations for the products before converting it to a receipt. This can be done by clicking on the pre-receipt line and amending the individual receipt lines to complete the required location information.
It is also possible to ‘part-receive’ against a pre-receipt. If some but not all product has been physically received it can be selected, received and put away. The balance of unreceived product will remain on the pre-receipt until you choose to process it, or until you close the receipt in which case the pre-receipt will be deleted automatically.
If a receipt is created from a pre-receipt but the receipt lines are deleted before it is processed then the pre-receipt details will remain unchanged as before. A pre-receipt can also be overwritten with a new one if it has not already been converted to a receipt
[Clicking the ‘Download CSV Sample’ button will provide an example of the format required for importing pre-receipt information.]
Enter Receipt Header Information
To start a new receipt click the Receipts option in the side menu. Any existing receipts will be displayed on screen. If there are no existing receipts ‘No Receipts Found’ is displayed.
To enter a new receipt, click the ‘New Receipt’ button or on the new line.
A form will now be displayed which allows you to enter the receipt header detail.
Please note that the receipt detail (products, quantities, etc.) cannot be entered before the mandatory header information is entered and updated – the header information is needed to create the receipt.
If your system is set up with stock owners the ‘Owner’ field is the first one to be displayed. You must enter the owner detail, and this can be done by selecting from the drop down list at the right hand side of the field. Alternatively you can enter a character (e.g. first letter of owner name) anywhere in the Owner field and the list will be sorted by the entered character.
Enter a supplier if required, using the same method as above.
Additional Ref
This field allows you to enter an optional additional reference. You can enter any relevant reference in this field e.g. an owner or supplier reference.
Marshalling Zone
This is a mandatory field. You can select the input from the drop down list in the same way as for ‘Owners’ above, this will default to the default marshalling zone setup in Zones and Locations.
Put-away Done Checkbox
Check this box if your receipt and putaway information is being entered retrospectively i.e. you have already physically received the goods and located them in your store. By doing this you are telling the system that the putaway process is already completed. As such it will not generate a putaway list and you will not have the option to print one but you will be prompted to confirm locations.
Date of Receipt
This field is mandatory and will default to the current system date. A calendar function is provided to amend this.
This field allows you to add any notes relevant to the receipt.
Once you have entered your details click ‘Create Receipt’ to update and confirm receipt creation. A message will confirm that the receipt has been created and your header details are displayed as before. If you wish to edit the receipt header detail click the ‘Edit Receipt’ button at the bottom of the form. Note that there is now an extra tab called ‘Receipt Lines’ at the top of the header detail form.
The receipt is also displayed as a single line of information on the main ‘Receipts’ screen. This can be accessed by clicking the receipts tab at the top of the header detail form or by selecting Receipts in the side bar. The status of the receipt is shown as ‘Open’
N.B Up to the point of adding receipt detail information (see below) the receipt can be deleted by clicking the red ‘Delete’ button to the right of the line. However, once detail has been entered and added you must delete any detail lines first before trying to delete the whole receipt.
Enter Receipt Detail Information
Select the receipt you require and click the ‘Receipt Lines’ tab at the top of the header detail form. The product code search box is displayed. You can enter one or more characters of either the product code or its description to select a product. All the relevant product matches are displayed for you to select the one you want.
Click on the product you want to add to the receipt. Once you have done this a separate form is displayed on screen, some of the fields displayed will vary dependent on the product setup.
Primary UOM e.g. Pallets
This field will default to the storage unit of measure (UOM) for the product you are receiving. Enter the number of pallets (or units) you are receiving.
Secondary UOM e.g. Cases
This will apply when the previous field input is an individual putaway unit with secondary UOM. Enter the quantity of secondary UOM contained in the storage unit.
Not Full
If the pallets (or other storage UOM) you are receiving are not full, check this box. This means the system will identify them as a part quantity, e.g. part pallet.
Putaway Done
This is offered as an option for each line of the receipt. Depending on how you checked the ‘Put-away Done’ box on the receipt header detail you can vary this for a specific line on the receipt.
If you have specified ‘Put-away Done’ you must enter a location for the pallet you are receiving. When using ‘Put-away Done’ you can only receive one pallet or group of items per line, and therefore you will only enter one location at this point.
Similarly, if you propose to manually select a location for putaway, you must also enter it here. As above, you will only enter one location for each pallet or group of items at this point.
If you are using auto putaway there is no need to enter a location, or locations – the system will select multiple locations on automatic putaway. The system will allocate location(s) automatically based on your pre-selected rules, when you update the receipt.
Move to
If you wish to move your pallet to a non-storage location for any reason e.g. to place it in an ‘on hold area’ select the area using the drop-down list.
Pallet Ref
When using auto putaway your pallet references are created automatically so there is no need to enter anything in this field. However you may wish to capture an additional external pallet reference, which you enter into this field.
If you are using ‘Put-away Done’ you may wish to record the pallet references for pallets you have received and put away, which you can do using this field. If you do not enter one the system will create a pallet reference automatically.
Rotation Date
This field will only be displayed if the product you are entering requires a rotation date to be recorded at receipt. Enter the correct rotation date for the product. (As per setting on Depot set-up>Set-up Products>Require Rotation).
Batch Number
This field will only be displayed if the product you are entering requires a batch number to be recorded at receipt.
Serial Numbers
This field will only be displayed if the product line you are entering requires serial numbers to be recorded at receipt. In this case an input box for these will appear and you are required to enter a serial number for each of the items or secondary UOM you are receiving. If you do not enter the required quantity of serial numbers you will not be able to confirm the receipt line.
Stock Status
If you wish to apply a status to the stock you are receiving then you can select from the drop down list at this point. The status will be recorded against the product.
Completing the Receipt
Once you are happy with the receipt line information you have entered, clicking the ‘Add Item’ button will add it to the receipt. If you wish to cancel the input click the ‘Cancel’ button.
As you add each line to the receipt it is displayed at the top of the page. Any comments related to the receipt will also be displayed beneath the line. To the right of each line there are buttons which enable you to edit and delete where necessary, and to print labels (if setup).
Once you have entered all your receipt lines and generated labels where required, click the ‘Close/Generate Put-away List’ button.
If you are using automatic putaway, or you have manually selected your locations the system will now generate a movement list. This is created in the ‘Movements’ option and all the outstanding movements are displayed on it. You can also print a hard copy of the movement list (in this case a ‘Put-away List’) from that option. The receipt is still visible under ‘Receipts’. Its status will have changed to ‘Pending’ but it can no longer be amended
If you are using ‘Put-away Done’ the receipt is complete and will be closed. If your receipt contains a combination of ‘putaway done’ and auto putaway movements, only those movements which remain to be done will appear on the movement list.
Completing the Receipt using Movements
The movements option is used to complete any movement generated by the system and to confirm the intended action has taken place. Within the movements option you are able to generate movement list documentation (e.g. a putaway list) and confirm that all movements have been completed. It is also possible to record variations and exceptions.
Select the ‘Movements’ option from the side menu. All existing movement lists are displayed on screen and each one is identified by type e.g. putaway, transfer, picking.
You may want to access an individual movement list to view tasks, generate movement list documentation or refer to the original receipt details. You will also need to access the list to confirm that the movements tasks have been completed.
To access the list click on the movement list line and you will see the following screen display:
At the top there are three tabs:
Movements – this will take you back to the main movements display;
Header Details – this will display the movement list header details, where the ‘notes’ and ‘assign to’ fields can be edited;
Movement Lines – this is the current displayed tab showing the number of movement tasks on the list.
In the middle of the screen under ‘Movements’ the individual tasks within the movement list are displayed. These are the tasks that will be confirmed after completion.
At the bottom of the screen there are three buttons:
- Back – this takes you back to the main movement list display screen
- Confirm – this confirms and updates the movement confirmation – see below.
- Print – this generates the (printed) movement documentation for the selected list
The printed movement list will normally be used by your warehouse staff to perform the movements displayed on screen. During the putaway process they can confirm completion of the movements and report any variations. This information is then used to perform the movement confirmation on screen.
If you want to generate individual movement list documentation as above click the ‘print’ button. If you want to generate documentation for multiple movements lists, follow the process below:
Generating Documentation for Multiple Movements
To the left of the main movements display screen there are check boxes against each movement line and a ‘select all’ box at the top of the column. You can use these to select one, many or all of the displayed movements in order to generate a batch of documentation for those movements.
To do this, check the boxes for the movement lists you require, then click the ‘print selected’ button at the bottom right. The system will now generate a PDF containing the printable movement lists.
Confirming Movements
You can access a movement for confirmation purposes either by clicking on the movement line as described above, or by using the ‘Quick Find’ scan facility.
Check Box – ‘All Movements Done’
Check this box if all movements have been carried out as per the details on screen. All you need to do to after this is click the ‘Confirm’ button.
Check Box – Individual Movements
As an alternative you can check the box against an individual line. You would use this for example where some but not all of the movements have been completed. If you use the ‘Confirm’ button after this any unconfirmed movements will remain on the movement list.
Edit Button – Individual Movements
The edit button allows you to deal with any of the variations that may occur with putaway. It has two main options which are: ‘Move’ and ‘Recalculate’. There is also a third option ‘Split’ if the product you are confirming as put away is a loose item product.
This option allows you to enter or generate an alternative location when the pallet has been put away to a different location than the one on the movement list. Clicking ‘Move’ will show the following:
- Check Box – ‘Auto Putaway’
Check this box if you want the system to generate an alternative location, then click ‘Accept’. After doing this you can print a revised movement list if required.
- Move Location Field/Movement Done
If the product has already been put away to a new location enter the location here. Click ‘movement done’ below to tell the system that the movement is now complete, then click ‘Accept’.
This option allows you to amend the number of cases or items that were actually put away i.e. where an initial count error has been made at receipt. It also allows you to cancel a movement altogether where the stock is incorrect i.e. should not have been received. Clicking ‘Recalculate’ will show the following:
This option will only appear when you are confirming the putaway of loose stored items. It allows you to alter the putaway details where stock has been put away to a location other than the planned one, or not put away at all. There are three likely scenarios:
1. Some product put away – other stock located elsewhere.
Some of the product has been put away to the intended location, but the balance has been located in (one or more) different locations. In this situation it is possible at confirmation to specify what has been located as planned, and then enter another location for the balance to be located.
This first situation would occur where an operative is able or permitted to decide where to relocate stock should the need arise, and has recorded it on the paperwork. All stock has been put away, but the location in which it’s held needs to be amended.
2. Some product put away other stock needs manual putaway.
Some of the product has been put away to the intended location, but the balance (or some of it) has not and you want to manually re-assign a location for it to be put away. In this situation you can specify what has been located as planned and manually assign a location for the balance.
3. Some product put away, other stock needs auto putaway.
Some of the product has been put away to the intended location, but the balance (or some of it) has not and you want to generate an automatic location for it to be put away. In this situation you can specify what has been located as planned, and then ask the system to generate an automatic location for the balance to be located.
These two situations would occur where the operative is either unable to find alternative locations, or is not permitted to take decisions about where stock can be relocated. Some of the stock has been located but further instructions are needed to put the remainder away.
In both these cases it is possible to reprint a putaway instruction for the movements to be completed.
To deal with these scenarios:
Click ‘Edit’, select ‘Split’ and then enter the number that has been put away to the designated location.
Then if you know the location the balance has been put away to enter its reference in the ‘Move Location’ field.
Finally check the ‘Movement Done’ box will and this will confirm and update the movement as complete.
If the stock has not been putaway and you wish to manually assign a location for it, enter the location reference in the ‘Move Location’ field, but do not check the ‘Movement Done’ box – just click the ‘Accept’ button.
The system will retain a line to confirm the putaway of product to the original designated location and generate a new line for the balance to be confirmed into its location.
Print a new putaway instruction if required.
If the stock has not been put away and you wish to generate an automatic location for the balance check the ‘Auto Putaway’ box and click ‘Accept’.
The system will retain a line to confirm the putaway of product to the original designated location, generate an automatic putaway location for the balance and create a new line for the balance to be confirmed into its location.
Print a new putaway instruction if required.