At least one unit of measure is required to create a product.

To create a new unit of measure (UOM) click ‘Company Setup>Units of Measure’ and the display will show a default list of UOMs. Any of these can be used when you create a new product, you can also create specific ones for your own operation.

To create a new UOM click the ‘New Unit of Measure’ button or click on the new line.




A form is displayed which offers some pre-defined units. If you wish to use any of these simply click ‘Add’.




If you want to create your own, enter a name for the new UOM under ‘New Unit’ (below the Pre-defined units table).




If the UOM you are creating is an individual putaway item (pallet, etc.), check the ‘Individual putaway’ box.


Finally click ‘Create Unit of Measure’ to create the new UOM. It will now be added to the main display list and will be available for use when setting up products. Individual putaway items are denoted by a ✓ in the relevant column.